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Année Titre Auteur Communication Lien
2020 Le Digital à l’épreuve du Coronavirus : Quel enjeu pour une compétitivité durable ?
Participation au 8ème Congrès International sur le Management et la Prospective Stratégique des Organisations (CIMPSO 2020) à l’ENCG-Casablanca
2020 La démarche de conception d’un référentiel RSE en logistique des matières dangereuses
8ème Colloque international sur le Management et la Prospective Stratégique des Organisations (CIMPSO 2020) à l'ENCG de Casablanca
2020 The digital governance of the state: the case of Estonia
Congres International Sur Le Management Et La Prospective Stratégique Des Organisations (CIMPSO 2020), ENCG, Casablanca
2020 « A critical analysis of absorptive capacity research
The International Conference on Sustainable Innovation and Emerging trends in Business and Management (ICSIEM’20), Athens, Greece.
2020 The impact of CSR communication on the company’s reputation
The International Conference on Sustainable Innovation and Emerging trends in Business and Management (ICSIEM’20), Athens, Greece
2020 Influence of national, organizational and relational contexts on the human resource function performance in Morocco
The International Conference on Sustainable Innovation and Emerging trends in Business and Management (ICSIEM’20), Athens, Greece.
2020 Management Of Companies Performance: Impact Of Immaterial Capital », Marketing and Management of Innovations
The International Conference on Sustainable Innovation and Emerging trends in Business and Management (ICSIEM’20), Athens, Greece.
2020 Innovations In HR Management: A Content Analysis Approach
The International Conference on Sustainable Innovation and Emerging trends in Business and Management (ICSIEM’20), Athens, Greece.
2020 The contribution of the quality certification process to the improvement of human resources management practices
The International Conference on Sustainable Innovation and Emerging trends in Business and Management (ICSIEM’20), Athens, Greece.
2019 Style de gestion des investisseurs institutionnels dans les marchés financiers : Cas du Maroc
Congrés international des économistes de langue française, Santiago
2019 La transformation digitale comme levier du développement durable: cas du transport routier de marchandises au Maroc
Les 2è rencontres francophones transport mobilité (RFTM), tenues à Polytechnique Montréal - Canada
2019 L’investissement logistique comme levier de développement économique des territoires
Les 2è rencontres francophones transport mobilité (RFTM), tenues à Polytechnique Montréal - Canada
2019 Impact des technologies de l’information et de la communication sur la performance logistique : cas du transport de marchandises dangereuses par route
Colloque International sur la recherche en logistique (CIRLOG), organisé par FSJES Ait Melloul
2019 The impact of ISO 9001 Quality Management on organizational learning and innovation : Proposal for a conceptual, framework
5th International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology, l'ICCMIT'19, Austria Trend Event hotel Pyramide, Vienna,  Austria
2019 Assessment of Managers Satisfaction Regarding the HR Function in Developing Countries Through a Quantitative Method Research:The Moroccancontext
5th International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology, l'ICCMIT'19, Austria Trend Event hotel Pyramide, Vienna,  Austria
2019 Problems Faced by HR Managers to Set HR Function Practices in Morocco: A Content Analysis Approach
5th International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology, l'ICCMIT'19, Austria Trend Event hotel Pyramide, Vienna,  Austria